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IT Access Management Team Manager

I knew that I wanted a secure job, preferably one that would be a bit more interesting and challenging than most. But I didn’t know the detail and context of what I’d be doing here until I arrived. After I’d applied I was told I was on a reserve list – I wasn’t quite sure what that meant, so when I got an offer letter a week later it was a nice surprise.

I was certainly right about the work being more interesting. It’s a fascinating job and national security is a complex business. I’ve developed a real passion for it.

Learning new things is a big part of the enjoyment for me. You’re very much encouraged to build on your knowledge. So I’ve been developed with on the job training, and I’ve completed several formal ITIL courses too. Keeping up with the latest technologies is an absolute must. I do this through using a mix of internal systems – and some personal research outside work too.

If you’re to really grasp our processes and technologies you have to be enthusiastic about boosting your knowledge.